Marizol Fontecha LaPointe
Philosopher of Life and Writer
Marizol Fontecha LaPointe was born in Vereda El Recreo, Vélez, Santander, Colombia. She currently lives with her husband and two daughters in the State of Maryland, United States of America. She is a professional in aesthetics and beauty, a cosmetologist, and an image and projection consultant. She has an extensive career in cosmetic marketing and body care products. Her passion lies in interpersonal and commercial relationships. Her desire and purpose are to inspire people to discover their internal and external potential, so they can accept themselves and others just as they are.
Marizol Fontecha LaPointe
Philosopher of Life and Writer
Marizol Fontecha LaPointe was born in Vereda El Recreo, Vélez, Santander, Colombia. She currently lives with her husband and two daughters in the State of Maryland, United States of America. She is a professional in aesthetics and beauty, a cosmetologist, and an image and projection consultant. She has an extensive career in cosmetic marketing and body care products. Her passion lies in interpersonal and commercial relationships. Her desire and purpose are to inspire people to discover their internal and external potential, so they can accept themselves and others just as they are.

If one could, everyone can.

Marizol Fontecha

To offer workshops and conferences focused on the development of reasoning, thinking, knowledge, and analytical skills, enabling each individual to project their image and likeness as they desire, and to develop their abilities and skills without fear or confusion.
That humanity may know, accept, and love itself as it is, in order to know, accept, and love others as they are. In doing so, we can collectively foster respect for the rights that belong to everyone. This aims to break the chain of manipulation and control exerted on this Earth.