In this book, the author recounts key moments from her life, highlighting instances where injustice, despair, and corruption became evident. Her goal is to help us understand the importance of questioning and being able to investigate the ideas that have been presented to us regarding our ethical and moral principles throughout history. In 2008, Marizol had a supernatural experience in which she attained enlightenment and realized that the origin of injustice lies within each of us—when we believe in and accept a being who proclaimed himself holy by taking human lives. Undoubtedly, this book serves as an invitation to reflect, both as individuals and as a species. It is a stimulus to reevaluate our social behavior, helping us avoid blind obedience to leaders who write, teach, and impose laws that they themselves transgress.
(Cost $7.49 Kindle & $14.99 Paperback on Amazon)
Best Seller
The Origin of Justice and Freedom
In this book, the author recounts key moments from her life, highlighting instances where injustice, despair, and corruption became evident. Her goal is to help us understand the importance of questioning and being able to investigate the ideas that have been presented to us regarding our ethical and moral principles throughout history. In 2008, Marizol had a supernatural experience in which she attained enlightenment and realized that the origin of injustice lies within each of us—when we believe in and accept a being who proclaimed himself holy by taking human lives. Undoubtedly, this book serves as an invitation to reflect, both as individuals and as a species. It is a stimulus to reevaluate our social behavior, helping us avoid blind obedience to leaders who write, teach, and impose laws that they themselves transgress.
(Cost $7.49 Kindle & $14.99 Paperback on Amazon)
Decipher the Enigma that Envelops Man
Why has man not been able to evolve as what he is, a rational and thinking being? The author Marizol Fontecha LaPointe states that, for man to evolve, he needs to understand that his greatness lies in reasoning and thought so that he can analyze and objectively observe the inner and outer knowledge he possesses, as well as the knowledge nature reveals to us; that it is this reality that provides us with the information we need to solve any concern. She reminds us that our potential lies in using reasoning, knowledge, and analytical ability. Remember: "Every problem has a solution if we understand its origin; otherwise, centuries may pass, and the problem will continue."
(Cost $3.99 Kindle & $6.99 Paperback on Amazon)
Decipher the Enigma that Envelops Man
Why has man not been able to evolve as what he is, a rational and thinking being? The author Marizol Fontecha LaPointe states that, for man to evolve, he needs to understand that his greatness lies in reasoning and thought so that he can analyze and objectively observe the inner and outer knowledge he possesses, as well as the knowledge nature reveals to us; that it is this reality that provides us with the information we need to solve any concern. She reminds us that our potential lies in using reasoning, knowledge, and analytical ability. Remember: "Every problem has a solution if we understand its origin; otherwise, centuries may pass, and the problem will continue."
(Cost $3.99 Kindle & $6.99 Paperback on Amazon)
Título | Descifre El Enigma Que Envuelve Al Hombre |
Autor | Marizol Fontecha LaPointe |
Editor | Fontecha International, LLC, 2023 |
ISBN | 9798989477906 |
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¡Descubre el camino hacia el autoconocimiento y el amor propio en el taller «El Reconocimiento de Mi Ser» de Marizol Fontecha LaPointe! Durante dos horas de profunda exploración, aprenderás a reconocer tu imagen y semejanza, comprendiendo el origen del mal que ha afectado a nuestra humanidad.
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18 agosto
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