Discover in the workshop "The Recognition of the Being: The Greatness Within and Outside the Hologram or Indestructible Image of the Self." This aims to help man understand that he possesses two intangible parts and that the intangible does not die. Nature reveals that beings undergo a renewal process. When man understands that he is immortal, created in love and in the image of sacred beings who blessed him, the being that cursed and blamed him will no longer be able to frighten or oppress him, as has happened throughout generations.

This workshop lasts two hours and is divided into four sections of 30 minutes each. It is conducted by Marizol Fontecha LaPointe.

In the first section, the fundamentals, principles, and moral ethics of what constitutes a sacred being are explained.

  • The knowledge revealed by nature and the being is analyzed.

In the second part, the fundamentals, principles, and immoral ethics of what constitutes a profane being are explained.

  • The greatness of man is analyzed, along with the reasons why he has not been able to evolve as a rational, intelligent, and thinking being.
  • The workshop concludes with projection and visualization exercises, where each participant will analyze and reflect on how illogical, incoherent, and tragic it has been for humanity to believe and accept that both good and evil come from a sacred being. The moment this belief takes hold, the essence of purity is lost, and the Evil One reigns as both God and the Devil.

Each topic discussed in this class represents Marizol Fontecha’s quest to find a solution to the bloodshed and senseless suffering that occurs on this beautiful planet. The objective of this workshop is for people to develop reasoning, thought, and analytical ability through the absolute—that is, through what reveals itself—so they can understand how most of us are contributing to our own extinction and to the destruction of a land and atmosphere that share their life with the beings born on this planet. "He who knows himself, knows others."

$ 50 USD

We are currently developing a series of seminars. If you are interested in participating, please contact me for more information.


Discover in the workshop "The Recognition of the Being: The Greatness Within and Outside the Hologram or Indestructible Image of the Self." This aims to help man understand that he possesses two intangible parts and that the intangible does not die. Nature reveals that beings undergo a renewal process. When man understands that he is immortal, created in love and in the image of sacred beings who blessed him, the being that cursed and blamed him will no longer be able to frighten or oppress him, as has happened throughout generations.

This workshop lasts two hours and is divided into four sections of 30 minutes each. It is conducted by Marizol Fontecha LaPointe.

In the first section, the fundamentals, principles, and moral ethics of what constitutes a sacred being are explained.

  • The knowledge revealed by nature and the being is analyzed.

In the second part, the fundamentals, principles, and immoral ethics of what constitutes a profane being are explained.

  • The greatness of man is analyzed, along with the reasons why he has not been able to evolve as a rational, intelligent, and thinking being.
  • The workshop concludes with projection and visualization exercises, where each participant will analyze and reflect on how illogical, incoherent, and tragic it has been for humanity to believe and accept that both good and evil come from a sacred being. The moment this belief takes hold, the essence of purity is lost, and the Evil One reigns as both God and the Devil.

Each topic discussed in this class represents Marizol Fontecha’s quest to find a solution to the bloodshed and senseless suffering that occurs on this beautiful planet. The objective of this workshop is for people to develop reasoning, thought, and analytical ability through the absolute—that is, through what reveals itself—so they can understand how most of us are contributing to our own extinction and to the destruction of a land and atmosphere that share their life with the beings born on this planet. "He who knows himself, knows others."

$ 50 USD

We are currently developing a series of seminars. If you are interested in participating, please contact me for more information.

Este taller tiene una duración de dos horas y está dividido en cuatro secciones de treinta minutos.

Taller el reconocimiento de mi ser

La segunda sección está enfocada a la proyección de la persona. Aquí se trabajará:

  • La respiración.
  • La postura.
  • La expresión corporal.
  • La importancia de la comunicación.

La tercera sección se enfoca al cuidado de la persona.

  • Dormir bien.
  • Tener una buena nutrición.
  • Hacer ejercicios, y tener vacaciones.
  • Hacer una pausa y aprender a vivir en el presente.

La cuarta sección está dedicada a:

    • Presentación del vestuario y accesorios.
    • Cuidados de la piel, las manos y los pies.
    • Maquillaje (para las damas)
    • Corte de cabello.

Una persona que se ama, se respeta, y conoce sus derechos, es una persona que ama,  respeta y conoce los derechos de los otros.               

No te lo pierdas

Consigue un ejemplar especial firmado por mí

¡Descubre el camino hacia el autoconocimiento y el amor propio en el taller «El Reconocimiento de Mi Ser» de Marizol Fontecha LaPointe! Durante dos horas de profunda exploración, aprenderás a reconocer tu imagen y semejanza, comprendiendo el origen del mal que ha afectado a nuestra humanidad.

Asiste a mi taller, conozcámonos y firmamos tu libro.

18 agosto



1234 N Spring St, Los Angeles, CA 90012, United States.
